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child labor


Welcome to Stung Meanchey!


Hello and welcome. Child abuse or child labor? This story is about child labor. But perhaps we should say child abuse. As bad as nike child labor is, we are not talking about nike child labor here. We are talking about slavery. The slavery of poverty. Kids should not have to live like this. Child labor like this should not exist. In our so called modern, world we permit slavery?
Why do we allow this child abuse to continue? We have the means to end it. .
There are different types of child labor / child labour some are categorized by the UN as  "worst forms of child labor" This one falls into that category.

Welcome to Stung Meanchey if indeed welcome be the right word.
This is one hundred acres of burning, stinking, dioxin rich, fume filled HELL.
The children who work here for up to 14 hours a day can be as young as 5. Their wages can be as much as $2 a day but is usually less than that.
They are looking for plastic bags, tin cans anything they can sell.

Stung Meanchey is the name of the municipal dump site Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Some 10,000 people live in the slums around the dump. A lot of them children.
A lot of those children! Orphans

There are ten documented cases of children being buried alive under the rubbish by  dump trucks dropping their load and whose drivers did not see them.

New York Times online

child labor


child labor on Stung meanchey.

Please Visit http://www.the-children.org  for more information